
Find me in person, at markets and other events!

For last minute schedule updates, as well as info on where I'll be at any given event, take a look at my instagram.

My goal for 2024 is to do markets 3/4 Saturdays in the Spring and Fall, and to give myself a week off each month to stay in the studio and make art. Mostly I'll be doing the Portland Saturday Market, with some bigger events in the works! In the Summer I intend to be at PSM as often as possible- probably every Saturday and every other Sunday, when I don't have other events planned. Last year I burnt myself out pretty severely by attempting to do markets every week, so if I feel that looming I may take a couple weeks off even in the summer, but it's my goal to be out there and available as often as possible while the weather is nice!

In June, July, and August you should be able to find me at Last Thursday on Alberta.

On June 29 I'll be at Portland Rad Pride.

On July 20th I'll be at the Gresham Festival of the Arts.

On July 27th  and 28th I'll be at WasabiCon.

On September 6-8 I'll be at Rose City Comic Con.

I'm an approved vendor for the Oregon Country Fair, but haven't secured a booth spot yet. If you're an OCF vendor and would like to share a spot with me, or if you know anyone who is, I'd love to hear from you! OCF was my favorite event last year and I'm really hoping I can come back this year.